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"Tough isn't always bad, sometimes tough is just tough." One of my favorite people told me this a few years ago, and the saying has stuck with me. So many times when things get tough, my first reaction is to throw my hands up in the air and sit down in defeat. Guess what happens when I do that? The enemy wins. Satan wants nothing more than for me to get going when the going gets tough. The past few weeks have been tough. Not tough like "oh my hair looks bad and my eyeliner is crooked", but the kind of tough where you look at all of the broken pieces of your plan on the ground and wonder how on earth they will ever make something else. But the past few weeks have also been incredibly powerful. I have seen so much love and support come from our students and their families. I have watched people rally together and fight. I've heard people say "we will not give up". Because when you stop fighting for the progression of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, you let Satan win. And we will not let Satan win. We will wake up every morning and know that we have the power of Christ within us, and we will persevere. Perseverance doesn't come without suffering, but it doesn't come without reward, either. Maybe that means earthly reward, and maybe it doesn't, but it always means eternal reward.

"But even if you should suffer for righteousness' sake, you will be blessed. Have no fear of them, nor be troubled." -1 Peter 3:14

Blessings and sufferings are often tied together in the Bible. Think about it: have you ever felt strongly moved by a testimony where the person tells you that their life has been completely easy and perfect, and they have never had any hardships? I doubt it. In order to use you greatly, sometimes He must wound you deeply. That seems a little unfair, doesn't it? Let me tell you: life is not fair. If life was fair we would all spend eternity in hell because of the great sins we have committed. But the good news is that life is not fair, and we have someone to cling to when life get tough.

"My soul clings to you; your right hand upholds me." -Psalm 63:8

Even when life gets crazy tough, remember that it isn't necessarily bad. Maybe the Lord is using this time to shape you and grow you for something incredible. Also know that you weren't created to go through the toughness alone. You are so loved by a God who knows your every need; cry out to Him and lean on Him when you can't stand on your own. Be open and vulnerable with other believers when you are experiencing some "tough". I guarantee that not only will they come alongside you and encourage you, but they will reveal some "tough" that they are dealing with too.

"I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world." -John 16:33

He has overcome, so that you may have victory in Him. Rest, pray, and fellowship with that knowledge.

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