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Some of you will get that the title references an old Miley Cyrus song (back before she went crazy), and some of you won't. That's the beauty of growing up; seasons come and go for each of us. I'm not ashamed to say that one of my seasons involved Miley Cyrus.

Many of you lovely young ladies are getting ready to graduate high school, which can be equal parts exciting and terrifying. Just like High School Musical isn't an accurate depiction of high school, college is not just like The Prince & Me. Sure some things are the same (like there are classes and people), but most things are very different (like try finding a cute prince on your campus). Below you will find 7 things I wish someone had told me as a young lady about to leave high school and enter college.

1. Graduating High School Is A Big Deal.

-You have spent the last 13 years of your life working up to this moment. All the football games, group projects, and sucky school lunches have brought you to this moment. After you graduate, virtually everything about your life will be different. You will no longer be forced to go to class, see your friends in the hallway, or spend countless hours on bus trips for sports/choir/theater.

2. Graduating High School Is Not A Big Deal.

-What? Doesn't this contradict the very first thing? No. See, as a senior, graduation high school IS a big deal. However, once you've moved out of that stage of life, you can look back and see that leaving all of that behind really isn't a big deal because you've been introduced to so many other great areas of life. For example, paying rent and getting new tires is way more pressing than seeing that boy you like taking another girl to prom. On the flip side, getting to go experience new places with organizations like Cru is way cooler than hanging out in the McDonald's parking lot on Friday night.

3. Learn To Let Yourself Go.

-By "let yourself go", I do not mean sit around and eat chips all day until TLC makes a show about you. I mean be able to be secure going out without your makeup on or your hair done. There will be days when you just physically can't do anything but pull yourself out of bed because you're so exhausted. That's ok. Learn to embrace your natural beauty. Stop comparing yourself to the alien beings that can wear heels and a full face of makeup to your 7AM class.

4. Learn How To Put Yourself Together.

-There is a difference between wearing sweatpants and wearing sweatpants for 3 days in a row with Taco Bell stains on them. Understand how to take pride in your appearance. Whenever I go out without washing my hair or in a stained shirt from the day before, I inevitably run in to a cute boy or someone from work. Learn how to properly apply lipstck and blend your liquid foundation. There is a time and place to look like the finals train ran you over and a time to look like a lady.

5. Travel.

-This is cliche, but SO true. You only get this time in your life once, so make the most of it. It won't always be easy to take off of work for a week, hop in the car, and go. From Italy to Colorado to El Salvador, I am so thankful for the opportunities the post-high school world has given me. Traveling at this age has given me a new appreciation for creation and has taught me to be a little less uptight and a little more flexible.

6. Stay.

-I know, so many contradictions. Learn how to be content with where you are. There is a stigma that college students are flaky and inconsistent with their promises. Don't be that way. Stick to your word. Sometimes it feels like we can't do anything to advance the Gospel if we aren't on a mission trip. Guess what? You can stay in Springfield, Missouri and be just as effective for the Kingdom as your friends going on a summer-long mission project. You will have to work at it and step outside of your comfort zone, but it's possible. Don't be scared or embarrassed to put down roots and love your life where it is now.


-I'm serious. It is surprisingly easy to start college and get overwhelmed with school, friends, clubs, sororities, etc., and leave church out of the equation. If you are going away for college, look in the town surrounding you for a church that boldly preaches the Bible and is actively involved in making Jesus known. Get involved in a campus ministry at your school. Cru (Campus Crusade for Christ) has been one of the biggest blessings for me in this stage of life. I can go hang out with people my own age as we try to run hard and fast after Jesus. Chi Alpha is another campus ministry that offers great teaching and outreach opportunities. Getting involved with a campus ministry AND going to church helps you live life with people your own age while being a part of the greater vision of God.

Don't be surprised when it is hard, overwhelming, and stressful. Don't be surprised when it is wonderful, fantastic, and God-filled. I am so very excited to see how the Lord uses college to work through each and every one of you for His glory. Now go out and "be Jesus with skin on"!

With Much Love,


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