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Expecting the Unexpected

Hello, ladies! My name is Julia Bennett and I am an apprentice here at rbcStudents this summer. I will be blogging on here with Emilee and the other apprentice gals. I love Jesus, traveling, people and music. I look forward to getting to know all of you.

After a long year, I am thrilled to say summer is finally here! Its a new day, a new season.

For many of us, we are looking to this season with lots of expectations. For the graduates, they are making plans for their last summer before adulthood fully hits. For some girls it has been a long school year full of trials and challenges, leaving them ready to be refreshed by summer. Some of us are starting jobs, some are moving. Some are expecting this summer to be better than all the years before, some people may even be dreading summer. Whatever our expectations or plans are, we need to expect the unexpected. Plans change, relationships change, health changes; life is full of changes. That is why it is so important to expect the unexpected and be open to whatever The Lord has in store for us not only in this summer, but in our entire lives. Isaiah 55:9 says, "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts."

The comforting thing about not knowing what this summer will be like or whether or not it will meet our expectations is that God is not surprised by any of the circumstances that will affect us this summer. He is not only expecting everything that will happen, He is working it out for His glory and the benefit of those who love Him. Here is a promise for you to hold onto this summer, "...And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose." - Romand 8:28

Take courage, ladies! Jesus is soveriegn over the expected and unexpected changes in our life.

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